CAUTION: While this article reveals some of the methods used by Satan to deceive man and subvert society, there are some un-biblical things, therefor the reader should possess a good knowledge of the scriptures before continuing to read.
The "great work" of externalizing the Hierarchy through human "biological" vehicles and the "Plan" of externalizing the Hierarchy by means of an occult one-world government and Luciferian religion, are interwoven. The outer machinery has provided a human power base from which to operate including mechanisms for obstructing and subverting justice, while the "inner machinery" has provided the guidance and means of sinister influence within the "machine" on the whole and without. "Externalisation of the
Hierarchy" of discarnate Luciferian entities involves (1) incarnation of
Hierarchy spirits on the physical plane through human hosts, as well as
(2) the externalization of the Plan of the Hierarchy in human society and
government, such that the spiritistic influences substantially materialize
from behind the scenes. Both aspects of the externalization of the
Luciferian discarnate Hierarchy are objectives of Mazzini's Masonic
Machine. The oaths written before Pike and re-written by Luciferian
Pontiff Pike represent a step by step, degree by degree corruption of the
individual. More than that, "initiated" Masons engage in the "great work,"
not only as it applies to themselves but in proliferating the "great work"
among others, Proliferating a work which involves exerting influence,
impressing other minds according to the Hierarchical Plan to usher in an
overt occult world rulership and religion. An evil New Age oligarchy is
intent on taking control of earth's affairs. It is only in the later stages, and when the time has come for the return into recognised physical expression of the {New Age} Christ, leading to the definite restoration of the Mysteries, that certain of the senior Members of the Hierarchy will appear and take outer and recognisable physical control of world affairs.p. 570 The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A .Bailey, 1957,
1985 "In later stages ... senior Members of the Hierarchy will appear and take outer and recognizable physical control of world affairs."In short, the "Plan." When individuals or groups "act in concert" and particularly work clandestinely and co-operatively behind-the-scenes toward a common goal in which they are in agreement and operate subversively, what is that called if not a conspiracy ? Operating mutually in taking "control of world affairs" by means of subversive and unconstitutional tactics definitely comprises a conspiracy. Those who are not comfortable with the word "conspiracy" should be no less comfortable with the word "machine," "inner machinery," "the Plan," or the "great work." The New Age movement truly represents a "conspiracy." It is driven by discarnate spirits, Luciferian "demons" who have been the precipitating force behind both world wars of the twentieth century, and that in evident conjunction with the "illuminated" Mazzini and Weishaupt plan, for reconfiguring the world's political scene. Lucifer and his associate "angels," while promising peace, have fundamentally and substantially exerted a terrible and nefarious influence in human affairs. The "Golden Age" of incarnated Lucifer associated "angels" was ridden with violence and unrighteousness on a massive scale. The restoration of that horrible age has been the goal of the spiritistic "mystery religions" since Babylon and Egypt. The mechanisms for re-incarnating Luciferian spirits have been concealed in occult secret societies which have operated clandestinely with the goal to "take outer and recognisable physical control of world affairs." The "great work" of spiritistic illumination operating in conjunction with the "Plan" for world domination is being facilitated by :
The political, social and
religious base or "sphere of influence" consolidated by allegiance to a
secret Supreme Council which is supported by oaths which swear to obstruct
and pervert justice not excepting murder and treason can be seen to form
the basis of an "invisible government" acting behind-the-scenes in
violation of Constitutional process. The framework for subversion is
embodied in the oaths. The machinery of that criminal empire in America
has been highly developed and has survived the efforts to dismantle
it. " ... masonic luciferian spiritism, must not be confused with the machinery of high masonry. ... High masonry is a supreme administration involving an organization much more highly developed than Palladism whose secret leaders, some of whom are not luciferian, act in concert and accept a superior central authority in order that their work may be the more effective."{quoted from Gataille, vol. I, p. 346.} Occult Theocrasy, Lady
Queenborough (Edith Starr Miller), 1933 Masonry and it's god, Lucifer, involve both spiritistically initiated and uninitiated Masons acting in concert with one another and accepting a superior central authority, the Supreme Council of the 33rd degree "in order that their work may be the more effective." Although distinction is drawn between Masons having a primarily "secular" standing and those who are spiritistic initiates, the Masonic efforts directed by means of a secret body composing a central authority have a wide range of professionals upon which to draw. It is not suggested that member Masons who act in concert agree on all issues. Political, social and financial conflicts have the capacity of being manipulated to effectively achieve a work whose modus operandi has involved crisis enhancement, crisis creation and revolution, as Masonry's history clearly demonstrates. The 32rd degree Masonic Motto itself reads, "Order out of Chaos." Masonry's history has definitively embodied that expression, that is, the creation of a New Order by world revolution and war. It is a fitting expression for the leadership level of Masonry, that of the "inner circle." The means by which Luciferian initiates facilitate working "in concert" with members of Masonry who are aware only of the "outer aspects of the Craft" pertains to the "inner machinery." It gets to the core of the meaning of the "sphere of influence." There are persons who have attained the 33rd degree level of Masonry who evidently have not been informed of the luciferian spiritistic methods of influence by those with whom they work "in concert" in the Masonic Machine. Even so, the satanic undercurrents of the ceremonies for non-initiates have impacted conscience and compelled resignation, such as by Jim Shaw, former 33rd degree Mason who authored the book Deadly Deception with retired U.S. Marine Tom McKenny. Other than accepting a "superior central authority", what force is at work in Masonry which facilitates 'acting in concert' to achieve Masonic objectives ? The inner workings of the "machinery of high masonry" for true initiates was elaborated upon by 33rd degree Mason C.W. Leadbeater as he associated the work of the machine with masonry's hierarchy of discarnate entities (or Luciferian angels) and the conferring upon the recipient of "certain definite powers." Warning, the following is a quotation ! HOW TO USE THE POWERS ... We are to exercise the functions of the Angels on some of the lower planes, ... The great Angels of our respective Degrees will assuredly work with us; it is for that purpose that they have come to us; but we on our part must do our share of the work, so that the machine as a whole may act at its highest efficiency.p. 306 The Hidden Life In Freemasonry, C.W. Leadbeater The "machinery of high masonry," and "the machine as a whole," in which masons "act in concert" with a central authority "in order that their work may be the more effective" operates in conjunction with the work of discarnate masters "so that the machine as a whole may act at its highest efficiency." One of the principle activities
of the Masonic Machine has been that of recruiting. The "inner machinery"
of the recruiting program has already impacted history and is moving
society toward an overt occult government. Thus, the adepts were recruiting the Sons of Light, who were to form the Army of the Elect. These were instructed to remain in readiness until "the day be with us." The inner machinery of this program was too subtle to be captured in the pages of prosaic history. Only the consequences appeared as "effects deprived of their cause." As the philosophic program unfolded, the adepts revealed themselves as Princes of the Invisible Empire.p. 7 Orders of the Great Work: Alchemy, by Manly P. Hall, 1949, 1976 The "subtle" "inner machinery" of
this "philosophical," occult "program" has also been reflected in the
Rosicrucian secret society. ... Realizing that an open approach was doomed to failure, Rosenkreutz decided to conceal his political and cultural reforms behind the mask of a secret society. This group would work clandestinely behind the scenes influencing in a subtle way important people who could bring about the social changes Rosenkreutz dreamed about.p. 46 The Occult Conspiracy: Secret Societies --- Their Influence and Power in
World History, Michael Howard, 1989 What is meant by the expression
"subtle" in the behind-the-scenes, clandestine, influencing work of the
"Princes of the Invisible Empire" which includes organizations other than
Freemasonry ?
The Inner Machinery of Masonry
includes psychic mechanisms. The "sphere of influence" includes activities
of recruitment and clandestine, occult influence and subversion of the
human will under the auspices of Luciferian "angels." Invoking evil powers
in "spellworking" is the substance of what is called "magick," and
involves the "dark arts." Mechanisms of subversive magic have been
concealed within the inner domains of Freemasonry. Mazzini's Masonic Magic
Machine. Not a sideshow, but an evil composite mechanism for world
conquest by an evil, occult Luciferian hierarchy. Masonry in its true and highest sense is magical work. This is as yet fortunately but little realised.p. 95 Behind the magical work of the rituals must be the influence of the established rhythm ...p. 97 The Spirit of Masonry, Foster Bailey, 1957 Foster Bailey's 1957 book
referred to "... magical work... as yet fortunately but little realised"
Has the American public realized the extent of the impact of Masonry
behind-the-scenes before 1957 and it's contributions to bringing about two
world wars and re-shaping political, religious and social landscapes even
as Mazzini and Pike had conspired ? Even since 1957 Masonry has heavily
impacted America to achieve the goals of it's secret as well as invisible
masters. Is that also "fortunately ... little realised" ? It is not the
physical structures of Masonic Lodges and Temples which have been secret.
It is the operation of the "inner machinery" of Masonry which has been
kept secret from the general public and traditionally even from many
"nominal" Masons. Masonry's Machinery includes methods of occult
recruitment, infiltration and subversion, and underhanded psychic
Little as it may be realised by the unthinking Mason who is interested only in the outer aspects of the Craft work, the whole fabric of Masonry may be regarded as an externalisation of that inner spiritual group whose members, down the ages, have been the Custodians of the Plan, and as Those to Whom has been committed the working out of the will of God for the race of men. These Master Masons, to whom T.G.A.O.T.U. has given the design and Who are familiar with the tracing board of the G.M. on high, are called by many names and are known at different times by various appellation.p. 20 ... They are therefore sometimes known as the Illuminati and can direct the searchlight of truth wherever its beams are needed to guide the pilgrim on his way. They are the Rishis of the oriental philosophy, the Builders of the occult tradition ... They are the bestowers of the privileges and benefits of initiation, and They prepare the candidate for those great revelations and expansions of consciousness which are the reward of all who persevere in the quest ...... They assist at the unfolding of the consciousness of the candidate until the time comes when he can 'enter into light' and, in his turn become a light-bearer, one of the Illuminati who can assist the Lodge on High in bringing humanity to light.... The rites, ceremonies and initiations of Masonry may be regarded (and are so regarded by many) as being faint representation and symbolic rehearsals of those major spiritual initiations through which every human being must pass before achieving his goal of manifested divinity and can enter finally within the veil ...p. 21 The Spirit of Masonry, Foster Bailey, 1957 The inner aspects, in substance, "the whole fabric of Masonry" consists of externalizing the "inner spiritual group," the "Custodians of the Plan." The outer ceremonies are symbolic of the "major spiritual initiations" through which Masonry engages in a literal re-incarnation process in which the illumination candidate's consciousness is merged with or eclipsed by the consciousness of Luciferian entities, bearing more Illuminati into the world of mankind. The real Master Mason assists "at the unfolding of the consciousness of the candidate" until he {the candidate} can "in his turn become ... one of the Illuminati." The Masonic Machine represents a major means or framework for the activities of the Illuminati which includes "unfolding" the "consciousness of the candidate" to, in turn, produce more Illuminati members. A transitional objective is to become "co-conscious" with Lucifer or with Luciferian angels. Considering that there are several levels and degrees of initiation of the Illuminati, the relationship with the Lucifer entity or entities has been variously described as a co-consciousness, a merger, or even the state of being a "fleshly glove" for a discarnate entity or demonic hand. Permeation or flooding of the brain or mind in Masonry have served as other descriptions. Masonry's link with discarnate Masters traditionally at the higher levels or on a fundamentally initiated Master Mason level (3rd degree) reveals only part of the machine. The "inattentive," unsuspecting minds of nominal Masons provide fertile ground for the clandestine work of the Craft of Masonry, particularly considering that they have taken upon themselves the "obligations" of Masonry. Warning, the following is a
quotation ! He {the Mason} must not lightly regard his vows, and if he would not bring upon himself years and ages of suffering he must cease to consider Freemasonry solely as a social order only a few centuries old. He must realize that the ancient mystic teachings as perpetuated in the modern rites are sacred, and that powers unseen and unrecognized mold the destiny of those who consciously and of their own free will take upon themselves the obligations of the Fraternity.p. 11 The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, Manly P. Hall., 1923, 1976 By what "subtle" means do "powers unseen and unrecognized mold the destiny of those who consciously and of their own free will take upon themselves the obligations of the Fraternity ? The means directly affecting Illuminati members should be quite obvious, considering their link with Lucifer consciousness. However, the influence having the capacity to "mold the destiny" of others in the Masonic organization has traditionally been "unseen and unrecognized" by persons who have traditionally regarded Masonry as merely a social organization. As Foster Bailey stated, "Little as it may be realised by the unthinking Mason who is interested only in the outer aspects of the Craft work, the whole fabric of Masonry may be regarded as an externalisation of that inner spiritual group whose members ..." and "... magical work... as yet fortunately but little realised." The expressions "little realised" "unrecognized" and "little as it may be realised" reveals that the broad spectrum of professional persons and others who have formed the apparent bulk of Masonry's membership have participated in an organization which has operated clandestinely not only in society in general but clandestinely within it's own organization, in operating the Masonic Machine. Analyze how this information is
revealed in writing by high level Masons.
Warning, the following is a
quotation ! THE PRESENCE OF THE MASTER The Mason believes in the Great Architect, the living keystone of creation's plan, the Master of all Lodges, without whose spirit there is no work. Let him never forget that the Master is near. Day and night let him feel the presence of the Supreme or Overshadowing One. The All-Seeing Eye is upon him. Day and night this great Orb measures his depths, seeing into his innermost soul of souls, judging his life, reading his thoughts, measuring his aspirations, and rewarding his sincerity. To this All-Seeing One he is accountable; to none other must he account. This Spirit passes with him out of the Lodge and measures the Mason in the world.p. 62 The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, Manly P. Hall., 1923, 1976 Manly P. Hall (33rd degree),
whose obituary in the official journal of Scottish Rite Masonry placed him
on the level with Albert Pike in not teaching new doctrine, identified
Masonry's god as the "Master" whose ever-presence in the Mason's life
provides the standard of measure. "This Spirit passes with him out of the
Lodge." The "great Orb" for whom Albert Pike served as a "Pontiff"
presides over a hierarchy of discarnate spirits. The Bible also speaks of
the Luciferian associates as the Devil's "angels." "And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him."Revelation 12: 9, KJV The Master of Masonry is Lucifer.
Satan is described as Lucifer's force by the Supreme Pontiff of Masonry
who rewrote the degrees for the Scottish Rite. While Masonry is described
as an organization in which persons are "intentionally misled by false
interpretations" from it's core principles to conceal what it calls
"light," the Bible describes Satan as follows: "... Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness ... ."2 Corinthians 11: 14, 15. KJV The transformation of appearances to facilitate deception is a device employed not only by Satan, but also by his angels and human servants. Lucifer's deceptive "angels" perpetrate various ploys to exercise influence to achieve the objective of restoring the Golden Age of tyranny and violence in which they previously incarnated themselves on earth. The Genies bearing supernatural powers become the Masters. The "work" of externalizing the Hierarchy of Lucifer's "angels" is participated in by persons who themselves are transformed and taken over, step by step, by the masters they serve. Lucifer's associates, the Golden
Age representatives or discarnate ministers or angels, give added meaning
to Hall's expression, "This Spirit passes with him out of the Lodge," and
through ceremony become the associates of Masons. Yet when one of these bright Spirits is attached to us by a Masonic ceremony we must not think of him either as a director or as an attendant, but simply as a co-worker and a brother.p. 309 The Hidden Life In Freemasonry, C.W. Leadbeater That is how a relationship with one of Lucifer's inimical "angels" is portrayed to the novice initiate. Co-worker ? Whose work ? What work ? Warning, the following is a quotation !
HOW TO USE THE POWERS To gain such full understanding is no easy matter. Those of us to whom these powers are entrusted have to wield the forces of a new and higher world; ... A definite piece of Their work is being turned over to use, to set Them free for other and higher activities; we must not fail Them, we must not disappoint Them by showing ourselves unable to do it. ...p. 305 All who have worked in the Liberal Catholic Church or in the earlier Degrees of Co-Masonry know thatp. 305 the chief object of those great organizations is to draw down spiritual influence from on high ... But in each of those bodies the actual work of radiation, of distribution, is done by non-human entities--by the great Angels or Devas whom we invoke--our part in the work being rather the provision of the material which they employ. ... But now in this work of the higher Degrees we are called not only to collect but to direct---not only to provide material but to distribute and apply it. We are to exercise the functions of the Angels on some of the lower planes, thus leaving them free to concentrate their energies on higher levels where as yet we are less effective. The great Angels of our respective Degrees will assuredly work with us; it is for that purpose that they have come to us; but we on our part must do our share of the work, so that the machine as a whole may act at its highest efficiency.p. 306 The Hidden Life In Freemasonry, C.W. Leadbeater Notice that "definite powers" are placed "in the hands of the recipient." 33rd Degree Mason Leadbeater explains that "our part of the work is the provision of the material which they employ." Warning, the following is a
quotation ! "... we on our part must do our share of the work, so that the machine as a whole may act at its highest efficiency".What is the work of the whole fabric of Masonry ? Wilmshurst reveals the matter slowly by giving the case of co-masonry. It is the work of non-human
entities, their Plan, their work. ... "the chief object ... is to draw down spiritual influence from on high ... But in each of those bodies the actual work of radiation, of distribution, is done by non-human entities--by the great Angels or Devas whom we invoke ..."Co-masonry includes groups such as the Order of the Eastern Star, which is principally for women. Of Co-masonry, "... the chief object ... is to draw down spiritual influence from on high." The pagan, witchcraft connection with the Co-masonic organization of the Order of the Eastern Star is examined in the book Hidden Secrets of the Eastern Star: The Masonic Connection, by Dr. Cathy Burns. Perhaps one of the most indicting
connections between Masonry and witchcraft is that of "drawing down"
energy or invoking "spiritual" influence. Pagans ... believe it is their responsibility to do whatever they personally can to aid in gaining their desires. To do this, all Pagans engage in a form of spellworking. Spellwork is a type of magick, the drawing down of energy from another plane of existence. ... Be aware that if you use magick or spellwork to interfere with another's free will, you involve yourself with that person's karma, whether positive or negative. Witches and most Pagans use invoking magick for their rites. The methods of worship in Witchcraft and Paganism have been updated to suit the modern individual, but the intent and purpose remain the same.p. 39 The Ancient & Shining Ones:
World Myth, Magic & Religion, Although witchcraft is often
portrayed more innocently in modern times as nature worship, former Wiccan
(witch) High Priest William Schnoebelen confirmed the high level
connection between witchcraft and Masonry of which Albert Pike wrote.
Referring to the Baphomet goat god, The right hand side is masculine and sacred to the Horned God (who we in Wicca eventually learned was Lucifer).p. 13 Mormonism's Temple of Doom, by William J. Schnoebelen & James R. Spencer, 1987 I learned that Lucifer was the true power behind Wicca, and that as a High Priest, I would have to do his bidding if I wanted to continue to evolve.p. 38 Wicca: Satan's Little White Lie, William Schnoebelen, 1990 The path of witchcraft which promises many young people "freedom" is in actuality a path leading to deeper and deeper forms of slavery. It is as the Bible warns of those who while promising freedom are themselves slaves to corruption. The spiritual corruption of occult practices often involves persons in moral or sexual corruption, the Templars being a prime example. The Third Degree in Wiccan witchcraft provides another example. The manifest "intent and purpose remain the same" for witchcraft and Masonry, as embodied in the "great work" and in the step by step corruption of the individual. It is the so-called "great work" which involves "drawing down" powers of clandestine or subversive influence. Spellworking, "drawing down"
energy or influence is a common denominator between masonry, Co-masonry
and witchcraft. Thus, both masonry and witchcraft use the term "the Craft"
to refer to themselves. The "intent and purpose" of witchcraft and Masonry
are similarly to do the bidding of Lucifer and his associate "angels,"
otherwise known in the Bible as demons. Infiltration of Christian
churches is also a common denominator. When one knows the true mission of the 'Pink Serpents', one wonders if Christianity will not presently assist at this crowning abomination --- a convent of so called Christians practising luciferianism. " The 'Pink Serpents are sister masons. They are the luciferian missionaries and operate as individuals and under conditions of the greatest secrecy. No records of the money appropriated for these religious spies are shown. "{quoted from Gataille, vol. I, p. 346.} Occult Theocrasy, Lady
Queenborough (Edith Starr Miller), 1933 The Luciferian and witchcraft connections of modern Co-masonry are extensive. Recruitment into masonry or Co-masonry primes a person for involvement in witchcraft or spiritualism. Hall's statement about recruitment activities by the occult "Invisible Empire" cannot be dismissed as inconsequential. Weishaupt described methods of
corruption by the Illuminati including "sowing poison in small doses" and
enlisting the aid of a "gullible priest" in the service of their cause.
Infiltration of Christian organizations has continued. Witchcraft
"missionaries" have certainly had their impact through
infiltration. One Church of Wicca in the Los Angeles area, with more than 8000 members, boasts of its infiltration of nearby Protestant and Catholic churches, of its many converts from mainstream Christianity, of its well-attended classes for children who are released an hour each week from public school for religious instruction, of its summer camps for youth, and of its funding from international bankers.p. 93 The New Spirituality: A Consumer's Guide to the Exploding Mystical Marketplace, Dave Hunt & T.A. McMahon,1988, [America: the sorcerer's new apprentice] College campus recruitment into
witchcraft which targets young people in a secular setting demonstrates
the extent of the efforts to recruit persons into the "great
work." We were told that the way to set up a coven was to start public lectures on an apparently innocent subject such as astrology or parapsychology.p. 46 Wicca: Satan's Little White Lie, William Schnoebelen, 1990 Involvement in guidance by
astrological horoscopes also primes persons for other occult practices.
The link of coming under the influence of the "great Orb" of the Masonic
Lodge with that of coming under the influence of the spirits of astrology
by following their guidance using horoscopes, may be better understood
when the Masonic Machine Methods are examined more closely with regard to
the influence which discarnate entities can particularly have upon
individuals who place themselves within the framework of a means of
spiritistic involvement or guidance, be that an organization or an
ostensibly independent pursuit such as personal astrology. What capacities
of influence due Luciferian spirits have in Masonry and other occult,
spiritistic organs ?
The Luciferian Masters of
Masonry, Satan's false angels of light, are in search of neophyte's,
novices to beguile. Since the Great Ones have entrusted us with powers so portentous it behoves us to try to understand them fully, to study their working, so that we may learn how to use them to the best advantage, how to do with them what our Masters intend us to do.... OUR RELATION WITH THE ANGELS p. 307 The Angel links himself with the higher principles of the man, most of all with the buddhi or intuitional wisdom, and the result should presently show itself in two ways. The indescribable vitality and versatility of the Angel's mind will constantly impress themselves upon the mental body of the novice, stimulating it into far greater activity, suggesting new lines of thought and action ... Conversely, whatever ideas may arise in the neophyte's own mind will at once be seized and intensified by the Angel, and all sorts of hints will be offered as to methods of putting them into practice. ...p. 308 The Hidden Life In Freemasonry, C.W. Leadbeater Neophyte bait. The promises of occult power and association with effulgent entities are morsels on Lucifer's Hook. The Trojan Horse enters the novice candidate described. The Genie promises gifts with glowing descriptions, powers and guidance in "how to do with them what our Masters intend us to do" as Schnoebelen, Geller and Dr. Lawrence have confirmed. What begins with what is characterized as "vitality and versatility of the Angel's mind will constantly impress themselves upon the mental body of the novice" appears to emphasize "vitality and versatility" but the crunch exists in the action of the "Angel's mind" which will "constantly impress" upon the "mental body of the novice." One of the lurking dangers the "neophyte" or "novice" may be unaware of is that of" thought discrimination" What of promises of seizing and intensifying the neophyte's own ideas ? That's an interesting concept considering that the process of "illumination" involves permeating the brain of the candidate with thoughts impressed by Lucifer's "angel," while also considering the factor of "thought discrimination." The words "seizing" and "intensifying" appear more fitting in a comprehensive context. That is, the thoughts impressed by the New Age, Luciferian "angel" obtain increased intensification as the novice continues on the path of so-called "unfolding" a greater consciousness as the "psychic eye" opens more fully, it is the brain and body of the participant which is seized step by step. Glowing language about service to humanity should be given the correct perspective in that accomplishing the "great work" and the "Plan" of externalizing Lucifer's hierarchy, are the Luciferian objectives for "humanity." It is those objectives which obtain "service." Incarnation on the "physical plane" by Luciferian entities is the Luciferian objective for "humanity." The effulgent descriptions of
Lucifer's "bright Spirits" or "angels" as "attendants" conceals their
ulterior objectives. Even the term "Masters" represents an understatement
considering the merging or hybridization which occurs and which leads to
the discarnate entities' displacing, eclipsing or literally taking over a
person's soul. The "neophyte" becomes the food for ... "Your adversary,
the devil ... seeking whom he may devour." 1 Peter 5:8.
KJV. OUR RELATION WITH THE ANGELS We must consider heedfully the relation with the Angelic kingdom into which these higher Degrees bring us, for it is a matter of the utmost importance. ... p. 307 The Hidden Life In
Freemasonry, C.W. Leadbeater Leadbeater's description of the
18º degree is established, first of all, to be understood as synonomously
applying in the "Holy Royal Arch" degree. C.W. Leadbeater (33º) also
establishes that at the Blue Lodge level (degrees one through three) the
assistance of certain "angels" are also called upon in conducting the work
of the Lodge. In Blue Masonry and in the Degree of the H.R.A. {Holy Royal Arch} we call in the assistance of certain ... Angels to assist the officials in conducting the work of the Lodge or Chapter; in this 18º and in other still higher Degrees we do that also, but the type of Angels who respond is different, for each Degree has its own kind of Deva-attendant.p. 299 The Hidden Life In Freemasonry, C.W. Leadbeater Leadbeater considers the description of so-called angelic relationships at the level of the 18º degree or the Royal Arch degree, and appears to be speaking of the initiate, and not the non-initiate Mason. It should be recalled and emphasized that the initiate of the Royal Arch (18th) degree has traditionally ceremonially drunk wine out of a human skull and has otherwise sworn to obstruct and pervert justice, murder and treason not being excepted. The identity of the "angels" as being in association with Lucifer, the god of Masonry, is thereby indicated. (Non-initiate membership in the
Royal Arch degree has for years no longer been "by invitation only,"
whereas the 33º is now "by invitation only" and involves ceremonially
drinking wine out of a human skull to seal sworn allegiance to the Supreme
Council of the 33º. Yet, the role of discarnate spirit creatures operating
"in a union" with initiate Masons is delineated by Leadbeater in a
structured degree system which has hidden meaning for initiate
Masons). ... that admission to the 18º has to be by invitation only. ... Here is a great and powerful Being, of an order quite different from our own, but in certain ways complementary to it; if we two can work together in a union so perfect that there shall be but one will, one purpose, one thought--and that the Divine thought--between us, we can achieve very far more ... Such a union is part of God's intention for us; if we can attain it, it will be an incredible advantage to us; yet if we desire it because of that personal gain, we are unworthy of it and shall fail to realize our hope. We must accept such magnificent comradeship only because of the benefit which will accrue to the world ...p. 310 The Hidden Life In Freemasonry, C.W. Leadbeater The "benefit which will accrue to
the world" represents glowing language for the "great work" and the
"Plan," the Luciferian conquest. The standards of morality or justice are
set by the "great Orb," or Lucifer. The "union" in "one will, one purpose,
one thought" is not simply metaphorical. It is not simply a symbolic
union. The Impressing Luciferian "Angel" enters within. The candidate is
not co-opted in the same manner as a traditional spirit medium who is not
conscious and typically remembers nothing. The candidate is "transformed,"
and continues to function in society to further "the Plan." It is a path
which leads to having one's very own soul eclipsed by a Luciferian Spirit
in search of incarnation, physically. Re-incarnation, as it pertains to
the Golden Age is the process. "Magnificent comradeship" is like saying
"magnificent Trojan Horse." The glowing descriptions even offer a choice
of "Trojan Horse" colors. The 30º brings its Angel also, of appropriate character-- a great blue Deva of the First ray, who lends his strength to the Knight K.H., somewhat as the crimson Angel assists the Es. and Perf. Bro. of the Rose-C. The 33 {deg} gives two such splendid fellow-workers--spirits of gigantic size as compared to humanity, and radiantly white in colour. ... They belong to the cosmic Order of Angels ... and their permanent centres of consciousness are on the intuitional plane ...p. 311 The Hidden Life In Freemasonry, C.W. Leadbeater Persons not satisfied with one "Trojan Horse" are informed that more are available. The 33rd degree Mason pledges his highest allegiance to the Supreme Council of the 33rd degree, above all other allegiances. For example, having first attained to the Royal Arch degree in the York Rite in which a Mason swears to obstruct and pervert justice, not excepting murder and treason, or swearing to perform retribution of the bloody oaths of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, the secret members of the Supreme Council literally based in Washington D.C. represent on earth a hierarchy of "angels" or spirits which have an agenda quite apart from America's Constitutional process and Bill of Rights. The principals of Mazzini's Masonic Machine which include Pike's Luciferian Priesthood act "in concert" "in order that their work may be the more effective." The "intuitional plane" is not a road where a person would want to "just drive." Analyze. The "intuitional plane" represents the impression of thoughts by Luciferian entities which subvert not only the values of America's Constitution and it's Bill of Rights, subversion as embodied in the arsenal of psychic warriors and Co-masonic and witchcraft magical work"," but which subvert the prospects of persons to obtain true everlasting life in God's Kingdom, through Jesus Christ the true Redeemer. The God of the Bible promises a veritable new heaven and new earth in which righteousness will dwell, which is quite the opposite of the values of Lucifer's so-called New Age. The "cosmic" or "divine"
consciousness which Masonry offers falls under the auspices of the "great
Orb," Lucifer. In Masonic teaching, the highest level of attainment is for
the human being to merge with that "divine
consciousness." Despite this re-arrangement the Royal Arch is the natural conclusion and fulfillment of the Third Degree.... The Royal Arch Degree ... From being conscious merely as a natural man and in the natural restricted way common to every one born into this world, he becomes exalted (whilst still in his natural flesh) to consciousness in a supernatural and illimitable way.... No higher level of attainment is possible than that in which the human merges in the Divine consciousness and knows asp. 140 God knows.p. 141 The Meaning of Masonry, W.L. Wilmshurst The merging of the human with the Luciferian "consciousness" is Masonry's "attainment" for the Master Mason. Even in this description by Wilmshurst the word "merge" represents a mild expression understating the ultimate take-over of the individual. It is quite apparent that the
consciousness of Luciferian "angels" which "merge" with the human
represents their incarnating themselves, in a manner of speaking, by means
of the initiate's "natural flesh," and achieve a level of fleshly
attainment for themselves, which is what the restoration of the "Golden
Age" is all about. Such a "merger" facilitates the "one will, one purpose,
one thought." Guess whose. It is a "merger" mechanism for alienating
mankind from God, on an individual level. Spiritistic corruption, in it's
most sinister form.
The "drawing down" of "energies"
or "spiritual influences" common to witchcraft and Masonry, the so-called
"magical" work, is rooted in "non-human entities." 33rd degree Leadbeater
clarifies the purpose of the Masonic Lodge. The role of psychic
clairvoyance in presiding over the "Lodge" is specifically referred
to. But the Master of the Lodge was usually a clairvoyant priest or priestess who could see where the defect lay, and so could keep his Lodge strictly up to the mark. ... We have in nearly all Masonic Lodges a beautiful opening ceremony, full of deep symbolical meaning; and when understood it is seen to be no mere form, but a wonderfully effective formula, calling to our aid various entities, and preparing the way for the performance of a very definite service to mankind.p. 33 The Hidden Life In Freemasonry, C.W. Leadbeater As Manly P. Hall and Foster Bailey, both 33rd degree, revealed, Masonry is fundamentally not a mere social organization. The "calling to our aid various entities" or "invocation," sets the stage or "prepares the way" for the "great work" of transformation and illumination. It comprises the basis for exercising influence. The "actual work" such as delivering the effects of a firearm's bullet is performed by the firearm mechanisms and explosive charge, but it is the finger which triggers the action. In this, Lucifer enlists the aid of human beings for the subversion of the human race in wielding Satanic power. Sinister. Masonry and witchcraft involve trigger pulling of diabolical forces. Examine more closely the "method of work" of the New Age "Hierarchy." Examine how the written
disclosures of Alice and Foster Bailey comport with Manly P. Hall,
Leadbeater, Wilmshurst and Schnoebelen. Forget not that the method of work of the Hierarchy is that of impression upon the minds of Their disciples, of telepathic work carried on with the Master as broadcaster and the disciple as the recipient of impression and of energy.p. 40 Telepathy: Alice A. Bailey, 1950, 1986 The "method of work of the
Hierarchy" is that of "impression upon the minds" of their disciples. Yet
the work is evidently not limited to those who are consciously involved in
the process. At that point he becomes capable of being more sensitive to a higher range of impression and--at the same time--he himself begins to learn the art of impressing the minds of others, to master the understanding of the level from which he works as an impressing agent, and to know who are the sons of men he can impress. He has to master also the secondary lesson of adapting his environment in such a manner that he can impress others and the impression can find its way through his environing circumstances and into the usually inattentive minds for whom he feels a responsibility.p. 92 Telepathy: Alice A. Bailey, 1950, 1986 (LINK : thought impression - inattentive minds) The "great work," the "Plan," form the substance of what is called New Age "responsibility." While the person himself (or herself) becomes more sensitive to impression from the Hierarchy, the person "himself begins to learn the art of impressing the minds of others." As already considered in the previous chapter, psychic impression can include not only thoughts, but feelings, and has the potential capacity of subverting even memory. The principle goal of this subversive impression work ? The "Plan," the "great work." The targets ? Humans. The expression "usually inattentive minds" is not descriptive of collaborative disciples, but descriptive of persons who are fundamentally unsuspecting. Considering that most Masons have been traditionally "misled by false interpretations" and appear to have been unaware of the workings of the subtle "inner machinery," a very extensive base of professional and non-professional persons who have taken the "obligations" of Freemasonry would appear to have come under the roof of sinister and psychically influential forces. As the Illuminati have been
proliferating as the New Age gains momentum, the potential for influence
within the Masonic organization and within society at large has grown ever
more serious. The influential capacity of "group work" is considered by
Alice and Foster Bailey. Thirdly: Any group work of this kind must be most carefully controlled; any group effort which seeks to impress the mind of any subject (whether an individual or a group) must be strenuously guarded as to motive and method; any group endeavour which involves a united applied effort to effect changes in the point of view, an outlook on life, or a technique of living must be utterly selfless, most wisely and cautiously undertaken, and must be kept free from any personality emphasis, any personality pressure and any mental pressure which is formulated in terms of individual belief, prejudice, dogmatism or ideas. I would ask you to study the above few words most carefully.p. 39 Telepathy: Alice A. Bailey, 1950, 1986 The above words should, indeed, be examined "most carefully." Motive and method are evidently framed in the New Age context, it's goals of the "great work" and Plan. The term "utterly selfless" has the appearance of being noble, but upon further examination it is clear that what is meant is that the impression work upon other people's minds should be utterly "free from" "mental pressure which is formulated in terms of individual belief, ... or ideas." The objectives of the Hierarchy are what are to be carried out. Studying the "above words carefully" reveals that "mental pressure" which is not "formulated in terms of personal belief" is not excluded from "a united applied effort" "cautiously undertaken" "which seeks to impress the mind" "to effect changes in the point of view, an outlook on life, or a technique of living." Examples of "group work," "group effort" or "group endeavor" "to impress the mind of any subject" are given as those" which involves a united applied effort to effect changes in the point of view, an outlook on life," or a technique of living." Considering that this is done under the auspices and hierarchal guidance of Lucifer, the ramifications are, indeed, extensive. She continues : The moment that there is the least tendency on the part of a group, or of an individual in a group, to force an issue, to bring so much mental pressure to bear that an individual or group is helpless under the impact of other minds, you have what is called "black magic." Right motive may protect the group from any serious results to themselves, but the effect upon their victim will be definitely serious, rendering him negative, and with a weakened will. The result of all true telepathic work and rightly directed effort to "impress" a subject will be to leave him with a strengthened will to right action, an intensified interior light, an astral body freer from glamour, and a physical body more vital and purer. The potency of a united group activity is incredibly powerful.p. 39 Telepathy: Alice A. Bailey, 1950, 1986 Alice Bailey, again, provides disclosures which deserve to be examined "most carefully." Bailey defines "black magic" as bringing "so much mental pressure to bear that an individual or group is helpless under the impact" under the impression of other minds. As to method, she describes the "black magic" influence scenario" as resulting even from "the moment that there is the least tendency ... to force an issue", with the effect upon "their victim" as rendering him "with a weakened will." Yet, Bailey assures the group that it, itself, may be 'protected' "from any serious results to themselves," though devastating their victim, if they have "right motive." "Right motive" is a noble sounding phrase for: New Age agenda. "Strengthened will to right
action" is obviously defined in terms of New Age goals and
New Age leader Alice Bailey's
reference in protecting "the group from any serious results to themselves"
is an evident reference to the New Age belief in "karma," associated with
the eastern teaching of reincarnation. In other words, if the motive of
the group or individual is "right" in connection with forcing an issue and
exerting preponderant pressure so as to render the victim "helpless under
the impact," producing "black magic," there are no repercussions to the
perpetrators on the scales of justice. The position of justifying "forcing
the issue" by impressing work upon the mind of a victim such that the
person's will is weakened, with an impact which is definitely serious,
presents a position taken in conjunction with objectives of Lucifer's
Hierarchy and demonstrates the evil of the New Age movement. If it is not
obvious that the New Age position is that of denying that such sinister
and outrageous actions constitute true evil, consider a position taken by
not-a-new-teaching Manly P. Hall in conjunction with karma and psychic
victimization. Black magic arises the moment we try to solve the problems of our own experience negatively. The moment the individual believes in the reality of evil, he is just as much practicing black magic as the individual who turns the force against someone else, because he is now turning negation against himself. ...p. 41 Unseen Forces that Affect our Lives, Manly P. Hall, Special Edition, 1992 Thus, those who believe that evil exists may be targeted by "evil" forces which represent themselves as the agents of "justice." The reality of evil is thus
denied in the New Age movement. Evil exists only in our minds --- it is a human creation.p. 196 Dark Secrets of The New Age: Satan's Plan for a One World Religion, Texe Marrs, 1987 {as quoted from Superbeings, John
Randolph Price} As will be documented, basically,
Manly P. Hall taught that the person who is the victim of evil is not the
recipient of injustice, but is really the recipient of justice, and
therefore not a victim of evil at all. In that connection Hall links the
psychic defense capacity of the individual as a mysterious mechanism with
psychic debt or karma. Nature has provided us with a most extraordinary defense mechanism. This mysterious mechanism extends also into our psychic lives. If we can assume an honest person owing no psychic debt to anyone, living a constructive life and free from any immediate pressures of karma -- I think we can at the same time assume that so-called malicious psychic persecution is impossible for thatp. 35 person to suffer. Something has to happen to break down the natural defenses of the individual. These breakdowns are the real cause of the whole problem.p. 36 Invisible Records of Thought & Action: A Practical Guide to Subtle
Vibrations, Their Causes & Effects, Manly P. Hall,
1990 Again, Manly P. Hall blames the victims for the effects of malicious psychic persecution, assuming that malicious psychic persecution is impossible for a person to suffer if the person owes "no psychic debt." He represents the fault as being with the victim. The position is outrageous. It should be quite apparent that the teaching enables the perpetration of victimizing others. It is a teaching which, in effect, can foster evil or injurious actions. If so, how ? Evil can be fostered by providing a doctrinal framework, not only by asserting that successful victimization is the fault of the victim, but by teaching that the perpetrator is balancing the scales of justice by successful victimization or injury, and that if the motives for the actions resulting in injury are congruent with New Age agendas, no karmic "debt" is assumed by the perpetrator.. The weak and susceptible are
viewed as deserving of successful malicious actions directed against them
for it is assumed that they must have engaged in malicious actions
themselves in a previous life, which malicious actions of theirs 'bounced
back' and did not affect the object of their actions because their
victim's psychic constitution whom they had targeted was strong enough to
resist the malicious actions. In other words malicious efforts which fail
are punished. Efforts which succeed are considered as balancing the scales
of justice due to the lack of psychic resistance of the victim. Such a
teaching or philosophy can truly be characterized as evil. Consider the
documentation. Hall continued : These breakdowns are the real cause of the whole problem. Somebody who wants to use some mysterious ability to injure us can turn that ability in our direction, but if we are not a proper receiving station, it goes right back to the original sender and causes more trouble than it can ever cause us, because always, the sorcerer finally becomes the victim of his own sorcery. He is setting up negative karma in himself and this karma will destroy him more rapidly than a bullet.p. 36 Invisible Records of Thought & Action: A Practical Guide to Subtle
Vibrations, Their Causes & Effects,Manly P. Hall,
1990 If the target of the sorcery is a
"proper receiving station," New Age philosophy blames the victim and holds
that the victims of "psychic invasion" are not the victims "of injustice
at all." [ibid., Hall, p. 83] If a person is subjected to psychic malpractice which he hasn't earned, which he doesn't deserve, and for which he has no way of protecting himself reasonably, and he must endure this because some other persons wishes to take advantage of him and the one persons is not punished for his evil and the victim is not protected against this evil, what happens to the concept of universal law and order ? ...p. 32 Unseen Forces that Affect our Lives, Manly P. Hall, Special Edition, 1992 New Age "law and order" is part of the blueprint for Freemasonry's "Golden Age." The Masonic scholar, Manly P.
Hall (33rd degree Mason), in the above quotation asks Now in the Buddhist philosophy, we have these repentant Onis, miscellaneous secondary demons who more or less finally went to the robe and became good Buddhists themselves, and what do we have as the answer to the rest of the problem of Buddhism ? There is one thing and that is perhaps the most important key to all. There is one legitimate cause for the individual to be in trouble and that is karma. Now karma is not a monster, It is a good law, absolutely necessary to us. ... In both Platonism and Buddhism, an individual has to be in need of some type of punishment or it doesn't come to himp. 33 Unseen Forces that Affect our Lives, Manly P. Hall, Special Edition, 1992 When the "legitimate cause for the individual to be in trouble" is described as "karma," the individual again is blamed for his or her own troubles since karma is portrayed as a mysterious force which balances the scales of justice. Hall calls "karma" a good law,
absolutely necessary to us." If the successful malicious victimization of
persons represents the expression of "karma," what are the implications of
saying that karma is "absolutely necessary to us" ? New Age standards go
far beyond what is called the law of the jungle. The "key" to New Age
philosophy is that of the justification of evil. The New Age philosophy is
supported by Hall that "an individual has to be in need of some type of
punishment or it doesn't come to him." Therefore, if a vibration is not for us, it doesn't touch us and it's not for us unless we deserve it. We must deserve it by making the mistakes, that bring the negative ones or setting up the positive situations that bring the positive ones.p. 84 Invisible Records of Thought & Action: A Practical Guide to Subtle
Vibrations, Their Causes & Effects, Manly P. Hall,
1990 Evil is portrayed as the
expression of justice, and Hall does not distinguish between deserved
punishment and undeserved actions whereas he denies that a person can be
the recipient of injustice. Hall claims "it's not for us unless we deserve
it ..." A good spirit, a saintly spirit, is the spirit of the reward for good. The evil spirit is the spirit of the punishment for ill. So nearly all of the infirmities which we would like to shift onto the shoulders of either some actually well-intentioned little demon of one kind or another or upon some person with malicious intentions to us, we have to finally face the fact that in the universe, law and order must be maintained.p. 35 Unseen Forces that Affect our Lives, Manly P. Hall, Special Edition, 1992 The standard is presented that the "evil spirit is the spirit of the punishment for ill," and an expression of justice, and the idea that persons are innocently victimized maliciously is discounted and argued against, that it is their own fault, thus taking the position that there really is no evil, as such, taking the position that "the individual {who} believes in the reality of evil ... is just as much practicing black magic as the individual who turns the force against some else " [Invisible Records ..., Hall, p. 41] Again, Hall argues in the context of maliciousness that "law and order must be maintained" in the universe. The victims of the Jewish Holocaust have given unequivocal proof of the manifest evil of the occult regime of the Third Reich. Efforts to clothe evil with nobility by claiming "right motive" or philosophical destiny by the New Age Aryan teachings of Madame Blavatsky demonstrates philosophical evil. Law and Order in the New World
Order, in an approaching "Golden Age" of re-incarnated demons represents a
truly demonic world. It represents an overtly Lucifer dominated world, in
which Satan is credited with being Lucifer's "force." A satanic society of
Lucifer's "force," perverting justice, enthroning victimization and
tyranny, is what the god of the "Golden Age" clearly represents. The
""Saturnian spirit, "Satan."" is explained by the New Age spirit guide,
Alder, to wield the laws of Karma. The Saturnian spirit, "Satan," let us not forget, ensouls the Third great major or Primary Ray of Deity and wields the great Laws of cause and effect, action and reaction---Karma!p. 69 Mystery Mark of The New Age: Satan's Design for World Domination, Texe Marrs,1988 {quotation taken from Vera Alder,
The Initiation of the World (York Beach, Me.:"Samuel Weiser, Incl, 1972),
p. 109.} In a New Age world, successful
victimization is presented as being the fault of the victim because the
victim is portrayed as carrying a "toxic load of
karma." Then the thing he is being punished by is not what the other individual is trying to do to him, ... His own ego which he has carried with him for many embodiments is still struggling to unload its toxic load of karma. If this load of karma at some time or other meant that we had tyrannized and in some way we have to experience the payment for this, then we shall be the victims ofp. 39 tyranny.p. 40 Unseen Forces that Affect our Lives, Manly P. Hall, Special Edition, 1992 Being the subject of successful malicious victimization is viewed as paying the karma "debt" from previous lives or "embodiments" according to the teaching of reincarnation. It should be quite apparent that the teachings of the New Age are toxic. "Tyranny" is something that "we shall be the victims of" if, it is alledged, "we have to experience the payment" for a "toxic load of karma" in a New Age karmic "law and order" society. The New Age principles, the Golden Age standards endorse, evidently even require, malicious victimization and tyranny for karmic "law and order must be maintained" for those whose psychic defenses are unable to resist it due to their "psychic debt." It is quite evident that tyranny is the New Age expression of law and order against those who do not have the capacity of resistance to malicious actions. The methods of the New Age are evil. The "philosophical empire" of
Lucifer holds that "an individual has to be in need of some type of
punishment or it doesn't come to him." The victims are blamed for inadequate psychic defenses. Warning, the following is a
quotation ! "These breakdowns are the real cause of the whole problem." "The moment the individual believes in the reality of evil, he is just as much practicing black magic as the individual who turns the force against someone else,"It appears that those who believe "in the reality of evil" are guilty of denying that it is their own "breakdowns {which} are the real cause of the whole problem." New Age philosophy would have persons who have been successfully victimized believe that they are the recipients of justice. The belief in "the reality of evil" is exchanged for the belief in the "reality" of karmic justice. According to New Age standards, tyranny, where successfully employed, is an expression of "law and order." The foundations for the
convolution of justice are embodied in the very first degree of the Blue
Lodge. The foundations for karma service are laid. The list key of the Entered Apprentice is service. Why, he may not ask; when, he does not know. His work is to do, to act, to express himself in some way -- constructively if possible, but destructively rather than not at all.p. 39 The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, Manly P. Hall., 1923, 1976 Hall spoke of remaining "in
readiness until "the day be with us." He spoke of the unfolding of the
"philosophic program." That New Age philosophic program, rooted in karmic
principles, has targeted persons guilty of "negativity" toward New Age
practices for elimination. Wherein rests the New Age justification
? "There is one thing and that is perhaps the most important key to all. There is one legitimate cause for the individual to be in trouble and that is karma."The "philosophic program" concerns itself with more than the "end game." It pertains to on-going practices of subversion, invasion, and "malpractice," which is viewed as successful only because of a "breakdown" of the victim's "psychic defenses." If the motive of the perpetrator is in keeping with New Age (Luciferian) objectives, then the motive is "pure" and the perpetrator is viewed as not incurring karmic repercussions. The "philosophic program" is a prescription for manifest evil. The Rev. Shaw indicated in his
book, Deadly Deception, that reincarnation doctrine is embodied in the
31st degree of the Scottish Rite. WE EMBRACE REINCARNATION With the degree work and other Masonic writings as our source, we finally decided that the truth lay in reincarnation ... We remembered, for example, the exemplification of the 31st degree. In this degree the candidate, as a typical man who has just died, is defending his life before the gods and goddesses of Egypt. The candidate tells of his good works in his just-ended life and of his hope for a better incarnation in the next.... The candidate listens then as the Soul of Cheres, symbol of immortality, is brought before the Chamber of the Dead and he learns that he must improve in his next life in order to advance in the cycle of reincarnation.p. 85 The Deadly Deception, Jim Shaw & Tom McKenney, 1988 Reincarnation teaching, as 33rd degree Mason Manly P. Hall enunciated, involves the philosophy of "karma." With the background of New Age
principles and standards which Manly P. Hall provides, Alice Bailey's
disclosures on impacting other people's minds with "black magic" are
chilling. "There is one thing and that is perhaps the most important key to all. There is one legitimate cause for the individual to be in trouble and that is karma." "... we have to finally face the fact that in the universe, law and order must be maintained."Karma philosophy portrays the victim of maliciousness as a perpetrator who obtains recompense.
Hall's reference to "psychic
malpractice" and the alleged law of karma, "psychic debt," and that
"breakdowns" in the defenses of the victim "are the real cause of the
whole problem" connects with the subconscious subversion, if not also the
conscious subversion of the victim. Hall himself characterizes the psychic
influence as an "invasion." We do, however, have certain legitimate problems that arise from the vibratory situation, but these problems become solved in a somewhat different way.... It is also quite possible that the psychic pattern of an individual may reach us subconsciously, that this individual's thoughts or feelings may gradually and slowly work into us. However, this operation in itself is not too serious or too important unless we have nothing with which to meet the invasion. If we possess a reasonably strong character and our thoughts are clear, the pressures of other people around us may reach us but will not markedly alterp. 51 us. We will immediately be able to draw upon our own resources to counteract the situation. In other words, we have our own psychic self-defenses by means of which we are immune to practically any negative or evil force that can reach us.P. 52 Invisible Records of Thought & Action: A Practical Guide to Subtle
Vibrations, Their Causes & Effects, Manly P. Hall,
1990 What is remarkable in Hall's assurances about "psychic self-defenses" is that: 1- it is an assurance which
assumes no "karmic debt" on the part of the individual. Yet, Hall declares
that "we are all carrying unfinished karmic business", which is a
qualifying principle to the immunity to psychic malpractice which he cites
for persons who are psychically self-defense constituted. Apparently the
expression "immune to practically any negative or evil force" suggests as
much. If we want to assume for any reason whatever that in spite of all these situations it still appears that we are subject to some kind of negative, destructive force, then I think we should give two areas very definite and complete study and consideration. One is the facts that we are all carrying unfinished karmic business...p. 37 Invisible Records of Thought & Action: A Practical Guide to Subtle
Vibrations, Their Causes & Effects, Manly P. Hall,
1990 What is secondly remarkable in Hall's assurances about "psychic self-defenses" is that: 2- a person who has been compromised "spiritually" by pursuing psychic powers has already been drawn into the acute psychic vulnerability of the "great work" of impression by the Luciferian Hierarchy. The individual's vulnerability to impression by the Hierarchy increases as the "psychic eye" opens more fully as the so-called psychic defenses are escalated. The very means of self-defense advocated in the New Age movement tears down one's defenses against those sinister forces which seek to clandestinely influence, impress, and co-opt the individual, step by step. What is Masonry's role, to finish other people's "karmic business" by victimizing them ? With all that alleged "unfinished
karmic business" awaiting victimization under the auspices of the
"Saturnian spirit, Satan," to effect New Age justice, what are the
potentials for psychic "tyranny" ? There are a great many people in this world who live for only one reason and that's to over-influence somebody. If their advice is not always followed, if they are not allowed to dominate every situation, they are just plain peeved.P. 81 Invisible Records of Thought & Action: A Practical Guide to Subtle
Vibrations, Their Causes & Effects, Manly P. Hall,
1990 Kidnapping and drugging a person is definitely a criminal act. It is fundamentally criminal. Clandestinely hypnotizing a person to gain control over the individual or to disrupt the person's life is also fundamentally criminal. The "technology" differs. The "subtle" nature of psychic "technology" makes it all the more sinister. Hall comments on the capacity of
psychic forces such that "if it moves in on the subconscious, we are not
consciously able to meet it. We are therefore subject to being adversely
affected without our knowledge." Although Hall makes that comment
following a discussion in which he apparently attempts to suggest that
psychic forces and influences are naturally occurring to man (not quoted),
and he continues with the subject of "psychic malpractice" or
victimization and says, "we do not have physical means of protecting
ourselves from psychic energy, we do have the proper psychic means for
protecting ourselves from psychic malpractice." But anyway, this problem of influencing and over-influencing persons, either obviously or subtly, either by open word or action or by some mysterious subtle process such as auto-suggestion, suggestive therapy, or hypnosis, all these different processes represent degrees by which it is obvious that people can and do influence each other. Probably they shouldn't but they do. ... So there are certain influence patterns that are more or less necessary in Nature. Psychic influence is not so very different.... Actually, there is not reason to question that we do have subtle means of communication, that this communication can move in upon our subconscious just as surely as it can upon our conscious. We feel that we are greatly at a disadvantage because if it moves in on the subconscious, we are not consciously able to meet it. We are therefore subject to being adversely affected without our knowledge. This a common belief and it is a great convenience to suspect that someone else is ruining our disposition. It's nicer to feel that than to admit that we are ruining it ourselves, which is usual the fact. But while it is true that we do not have physical means of protecting ourselves from psychic energy, we do have the proper psychic means for protecting ourselves from psychic malpractice of any and all kinds. ... The great promise of psychic and emotional and psychological health is the maintenance of a healthy psychic integration.p. 82 Invisible Records of Thought & Action: A Practical Guide to Subtle
Vibrations, Their Causes & Effects, Manly P. Hall,
Being "therefore subject to being
adversely affected without our knowledge" is serious, indeed. What Hall
promotes is "psychic means for protecting ourselves from psychic
malpractice." Hall presents "the great promise." It is fundamentally the
promise that psychic protection from the psychic forces which the occult
Hierarchy wields, in which they do the "actual work" or dirty work in is
to be gained by so-called developing the forces they wield. Of course, the
psychic gets to be acutely impressed by the Hierarchy in exchange. The
promise of the New Age, pertaining to self-defense, pertaining to physical
and psychological health is echoed by Hall. "The great promise of psychic and emotional and psychological health is the maintenance of a healthy psychic integration."Psychic integration into co-consciousness with Lucifer is what the "great promise" offers. The "psychological health" promise dismisses the many cases of insanity known to occur in psychic pursuits, whereby even Manly P. Hall has warned of continuance of psychic development when attended to by a wide range of physiological problems or symptoms. Characterizing merging with or being co-opted by Luciferian discarnate entities as a condition of "psychological health" does not comport with the effects William Schnoebelen testifies to nor does it comport with "casting mind aside." Persons who do not take up the
psychic banner are labelled as not being the victims of injustice at all
when victimized. Hall acknowledges the reality of "psychic invasion of our
privacy," but blames the victim for lack of psychic
defenses. Therefore, we begin to feel that we are the victims of injustice. We are not the victims of any injustice at all. What we term, perhaps in our way, psychic invasion of our privacy, the possibility that some outside energy is moving in on us, actually calls to our attention only one very simple process, that the only way in which this can happen is that our own proper psychic defenses have not been restored and that therefore we have to restore them. To say that we can't is to say that we can't stop eating something that makes us sick physically.{Convoluted reasoning} To say that we simply cannot make these changes in ourselves that are necessary to restore psychic integration is to assume that we cannot do what is necessary to protect our own lives. If we cannot do these things, then again our own weakness and not the strength of circumstances is the principle problem.p. 83 Invisible Records of Thought & Action: A Practical Guide to Subtle
Vibrations, Their Causes & Effects, Manly P. Hall,
1990 Hall's "great promise" is Psychic extortion, protection racketeering. It also provides the philosophical support for the "inner machinery" of Mazzini's Masonic Mafia Machine. If the individual does not engage is "psychic means for protecting ourselves from psychic malpractice" the person is accused of his own "weakness" as "the principle problem." Psychic defenses are not the key
to peace on earth. Psychic means, psychic forces, are Luciferian means of
taking control of the human race and subjecting it to slavery. The New Age
represents principles anathema to the fundamentals of justice and portrays
the victim of malicious acts as deserving of them. The New Age represents
material dangers to the U.S. Constitution's Bill of Rights, as do the
abhorrent oaths of Freemasonry which involve a person to swear to
perverting and obstructing justice, murder and treason not
excepted. "However, this operation in itself is not too serious or too important unless we have nothing with which to meet the invasion" [ibid., p. 51]Hall minimizes the magnitude of the invasive force by called it weak and calling the victim even weaker. He attributes the blame for victimization by saying that "The whole situation could only arise from the extraordinary lack of organization of the victim." I have known many, many instances of so-called claimed psychic invasion of people's lives. I've never yet found one case where the invasion was major. It was not a well-planned strategy. The invading force was miserably weak. The only reason it succeeded at all was that the invaded territory was still weaker. The individual was not the victim of some great, big, strong, evil force. He was a victim of something of the proportions of a rat that had found a hole in his psychic integration. The whole situation could only arise from the extraordinary lack of organization of the victim. But the victim, instead of rising to meet the emergency, simply demoralized, infinitely magnified and distorted the whole situation, made a mountain out a molehill, and frightened himself out of his wits. This so-called influence is going on all the time. Every one of us is constantly a field of vibratory activity and, to a measure, vibratory conflict.p. 83 Invisible Records of Thought & Action: A Practical Guide to Subtle
Vibrations, Their Causes & Effects, Manly P. Hall,
1990 The invasive force is characterized as "not major", but the problem is attributed to the "extraordinary lack of organization of the victim." ? "But the victim, instead of rising to meet the emergency" by doing what Hall teaches, which is to resort to "psychic self-defense," "frightened himself" ? The New Age philosophy expressed for blaming the victim, for either not resorting to psychic forces for self-defense, or for blaming the victim as the culprit for carrying a bag of "toxic karmic debt," "psychic debt," could have made Hall a candidate for the office of Golden Age Attorney General with satan as the "Prime Minister." The "Philosophical Empire" does
not comprise an innocuous composite academia. The nefarious occult
teachings are presented as a duty to be enshrined or incorporated into the
member's being. A Mason is not appointed; he is evolved and he must realize that the position he holds in the exoteric lodge means nothing compared to his position in the spiritual lodge of life. ... He must realize that his duty is to build and evolve the sacred teachings in his own being:p. 18 ... and that his Masonic rites must eternally be speculative until he makes them operative by living the life of the mystic Mason. His karmic responsibilities increase with his opportunities.... The Masonic order is not a mere social organization, but is composed of all those who have banded themselves together to learn and apply the principles of mysticism and the occult rites.p. 19 The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, Manly P. Hall., 1923, 1976 If the New Age disciple is,
indeed, to embody the principles of karma in his or her own life, in his
or her own being, then the "great work" of the New Age, of Masonry,
involves a veritable machine intent on expressing or exercising the
principles of karma. The expression "His karmic responsibilities increase
with his opportunities" as the Mason advances, accounts for Hall's
description in the very same book : The list key of the Entered Apprentice is service. Why, he may not ask; when, he does not know. His work is to do, to act, to express himself in some way -- constructively if possible, but destructively rather than not at all.p. 39 The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, Manly P. Hall., 1923, 1976 The New Age spirit guide Alder explained that Satan presides over the laws of karma. It follows that exercising "karmic responsibilities" by the Mason involves "applying the "seething energies of Lucifer," [ibid., p. 48] whereby Lucifer's "force" is satan, (according to the Sovereign Pontiff of Lucifer, Albert Pike). Hall's reference to "service" in which the Mason is prompted to "express himself" "destructively rather than not at all" obtains in Hall's very same book (The Lost Keys of Freemasonry) a context of "karmic responsibilities," as Hall promotes the Mason's "duty ... to build and evolve the sacred teachings in his own being" which transforms "speculative" Masonry into "operative" "in the life of the mystic Mason" whose "karmic responsibilities increase with his opportunities." As Manly P. Hall disclosed, a major tenet of karma philosophy or teaching is that "there is no injustice." Satan, who "wields the laws of karma," is the godfather of injustice and evil. Considering that a New Age spirit has revealed Satan as presiding over the laws of karma, it is not surprising that Alice Bailey's revelations, inspired by her New Age spirit guide, provides more disclosures connecting the psychic mental impression work and Satan, who presides over the laws of karma, which Hall has shown to involve psychically intrusive and destructive activities. It is clear from Alice Bailey's
disclosures that Shamballa, the throne of Satan, is the source of
"inspiration" for New Age / Masonic telepathy. It is also quite evident
from Alice Bailey's descriptions that the "impression" work is not limited
to the domain of New Age followers, but that humanity at large "all the
way from the lowest grade of daily living" "by the least developed human
beings" (according to Alice Bailey) to the 'evolved' New Age practitioners
are targeted for psychic or mental impression, from the "Hierarchy" of
Luciferian spirits and from their "impressing agent{s}." The Science of Impression ... is the technique which all disciples have to learn (no matter which of the Seven Paths they may eventually choose) and it is also the sublime art which every Master practices on inspiration from Shamballa; ... it is the acceptance on their part of the promotion of that Purpose through right impression on all forms of life at any particular point of evolution. Disciples then become agents of the divine will and are entrusted with the direction of energies, with the plan and with the secrets and the inspiration which are hidden in the Mind of God.p. 91 ... This power to use the ray energies to attract and impress the constantly expanding revelation is the clue to all the work going forward today, and to this activity we give the name of the Science of impression. It involves the constant opening up of a new environment -- an environment which reaches all the way from the lowest grade of daily living, undertaken by the least developed human beings, to that point upon the ladder of evolution when the aspirant becomes consciously susceptible to what we call spiritual impression. At that point he becomes capable of being more sensitive to a higher range of impression and -- at the same time -- he himself begins to learn the art of impressing the minds of others, to master the understanding of the level from which he works as an impressing agent, and to know who are the sons of men he can impress. He has to master also the secondary lesson of adapting his environment in such a manner that he can impress others and the impression can find its way through his environing circumstances and into the usually inattentive minds for whom he feels a responsibility.p. 92 Telepathy: Alice A. Bailey, 1950, 1986
When New Age disciples are urged to examine carefully the formulation of words describing the nature of group impression work it appears, having examined it in view of New Age doctrine, that the formulation conceals from the casual observer the import and intent of the formulation. Alice Bailey posts the signpost herself with the words, "I would ask you to study the above few words most carefully." Expressions such as "utterly
selfless" may have a noble appearance, but when it is realized that the
objective of the group impression work is embodied in the "great work" and
the "Plan" to achieve world rulership by means of an occult oligarchy, to
have earth's affairs overtly taken control of by the externalisation of
the Luciferian Hierarchy, the noble sounding expressions can be seen to
mask an evil plan. "Pure motive" is measured in terms of advancing the
"Plan." Frankly, the plan by Luciferian entities to turn the human race
into biological vehicles for their own incarnation on the physical plane
is not what should be called the basis for "pure motive" on the part of
that demon hierarchy. It is that Luciferian Hierarchy which has provided
for two world wars to reconfigure earth's political landscape to
facilitate the planned changes. The planned elimination of Christians and
others who refuse initiation into the Luciferian "EYE" or point of
co-consciousness with Luciferian entities is no less evil in the context
of the New Age philosophy of "karma." What Alice Bailey made a reference
to in the description of the impression work in which she urged New Age
disciples, "I would ask you to study the above few words most carefully"
was the Karma Clause, that is, Right motive may protect the group from any serious results to themselves, but the effect upon their victim will be definitely serious..."To wrap up 'studying' Alice Bailey's "few words most carefully", the Karma Clause represents in New Age philosophy a veritable license to produce "the effect upon their victim {which} will be definitely serious, rendering him negative, and with a weakened will." The philosophy evidently is that "black magic" can be practiced with karmic impunity when practiced with "right motive" according to New Age standards. If the "motive" is congruent with the "great work," with the "Plan," the motive is evidently considered to be "pure," and karmic repercussions are not expected to be visited upon those impressing the mind of their victim. If the person does not have the capacity to resist the force applied, it is evidently considered in New Age karmic philosophy to be a case where the individual is deserving of the effects.. The apparent danger, according to New Age philosophy, is that if the motive is not "pure," but impure, then the practitioner assumes "psychic debt." Thus the ostensibly cautionary words in connection with impressing thoughts upon others not in keeping with so-called "pure" New Age motive. Maliciousness is camouflaged when New Age motive is defined as "pure." Following the guidance or directions from New Age spirit guides raises yet other issues of what is considered "pure" in connection with New Age objectives. Asher, Alder and Lord Maitreya embody New Age agenda in their declarations. The very notion that the "great work" and "Plan" are goals which are "pure" is a deception because of the principles of perversion of justice which the occult, karmic Hierarchy seeks to impose upon the human family. Because tyranny forms an underlying substance of New Age law and order, anyone associated with the New Age movement, which is often presented in glowing terms of peace and brotherhood, needs to re-examine the very foundations of the New Age movement and it's principles. 'Studying' or re-examining Alice
Bailey's disclosures of New Age "group work" in seeking "to impress the
mind of any subject" "to effect changes in the point of view, an outlook
on life, or a technique of living" in conjunction with New Age goals and
in the context of the philosophy or doctrine of "karma" reveals the inner
machinery of the New Age movement. Thirdly: Any group work of this kind must be most carefully controlled; any group effort which seeks to impress the mind of any subject (whether an individual or a group) must be strenuously guarded as to motive and method; any group endeavour which involves a united applied effort to effect changes in the point of view, an outlook on life, or a technique of living must be utterly selfless, most wisely and cautiously undertaken, and must be kept free from any personality emphasis, any personality pressure and any mental pressure which is formulated in terms of individual belief, prejudice, dogmatism or ideas.. I would ask you to study the above few words most carefully. The moment that there is the least tendency on the part of a group, or of an individual in a group, to force an issue, to bring so much mental pressure to bear that an individual or group is helpless under the impact of other minds, you have what is called "black magic." Right motive may protect the group from any serious results to themselves, but the effect upon their victim will be definitely serious, rendering him negative, and with a weakened will. The result of all true telepathic work and rightly directed effort to "impress" a subject will be to leave him with a strengthened will to right action, an intensified interior light, an astral body freer from glamour, and a physical body more vital and purer. The potency of a united group activity is incredibly powerful.p. 39 Telepathy: Alice A. Bailey, 1950, 1986 A "careful study" of Alice Bailey's description reveals that "black magic" "telepathic work" resulting in "definitely serious" 'effects' "upon their victim" leaving their "victim" "with a weakened will" "to effect changes" in the point of view, an outlook on life, or a technique of living, comprises a New Age group activity from which the group allegedly 'may be protected' "from any serious {karmic} results to themselves" if so-called "right motive" is employed. New Age "right motive" evidently does not exclude the application of "black magic" to subvert the will of other human beings. A "careful study" can reveal a great deal, even as Alice Bailey encouraged "you to study the above few words most carefully." Alice Bailey's presentation is congruent with Masonic scholar Manly P. Hall's blaming the victim if psychic victimization is successfully employed.
Apart from "the least tendency on the part of a group, or of an individual in a group, to force an issue" with "black magic," but avoid karmic repercussions if the "motive" be congruent with New Age goals, Bailey characterizes "the result of all true telepathic work" "to "impress" a subject" as leaving "him with a strengthened will to right action", which "right action" is no doubt measured in terms of New Age objectives. When such subversion of the human
being constitutes "right action" from which to gauge other rights actions,
America is in deep trouble.
C.W. Leadbeater's (33rd deg.)
disclosure regarding ancient mystery religion "Lodges" that "the Master of
the Lodge was usually a clairvoyant" "who could see where the defect lay"
and take associated measures, is cited as a tradition or precedent for the
activity invoked by an opening ceremony in "nearly all Masonic Lodges"
"calling to our aid various entities" and an associated work or
service. But the Master of the Lodge was usually a clairvoyant priest or priestess who could see where the defect lay, and so could keep his Lodge strictly up to the mark. ... We have in nearly all Masonic Lodges a beautiful opening ceremony, full of deep symbolical meaning; and when understood it is seen to be no mere form, but a wonderfully effective formula, calling to our aid various entities, and preparing the way for the performance of a very definite service to mankind.p. 33 The Hidden Life In Freemasonry, C.W. Leadbeater The purpose of the Masonic Lodge is to further "their work." The "formula" is clearly linked with that of the activity of Co-masonry, Masonry for women, and the activity of witchcraft, in "drawing down" energies or powers which have the capacity to interfere with the free will of those against whom it is directed. Foster Bailey's description of
the mental impression work in Masonic Lodges appears to remarkably
parallel that of Alice Bailey's disclosure. Alice Bailey, in her
formulation, evidently concealed from the casual reader a sinister work.
The advice: "I would ask you to study the above few words most
carefully.." seems just as appropriate in conjunction with Foster Bailey's
following description of Masonic Lodge activities. Unless the Lodge members are spiritually alive, and unless pure motive lies behind all mental activity, the candidate --- when subjected to the initiating power of the Master Masons in Lodge assembled --- would be subjected to undue mental influence. The power of the united thought, unless pure and selfless, would be hypnotic in its potency, and the word 'Free' Mason would be rendered meaningless. Masonry in its true and highest sense is magical work. This is as yet fortunately but little realised.p. 95 Later, when the nature of the rhythm to be established through the rituals is grasped and Masons are trained to work along the lines of united thought, united action and united ideals and objectives, a Lodge will then work as a group for humanity as a whole. They will ... organize themselves into a body of conscious custodians of the mysteries ... The effectiveness of this possible work will be paralleled by the increasing sensitivity of the race to telepathic impression. This sensitivity is already a fact which is now recognised by science.p. 96 Behind the magical work of the rituals must be the influence of the established rhythm ...p. 97 The Spirit of Masonry, Foster Bailey, 1957 The expression "unless pure motive lies behind all mental activity, the candidate --- when subjected to the initiating power of the Master Masons in Lodge assembled --- would be subjected to undue mental influence" --- Foster Bailey.Foster Bailey does not go into as much depth as Alice Bailey as to what constitutes mental influence which might be categorized as due in the New Age movement within the scope of what is called "pure motive" or "right motive," if they are not distinguishable ("pure" vrs.. "right"). "The moment that there is the least tendency on the part of a group, or of an individual in a group, to force an issue, to bring so much mental pressure to bear that an individual or group is helpless under the impact of other minds, you have what is called "black magic." Right motive may protect the group ... but the effect upon their victim will be definitely serious ..." --- Alice Bailey.Alice Bailey describes the "least tendency" "to force an issue" which can render the subject "helpless under the impact of other minds" and does so in the context of "right motive" and "black magic." Foster Bailey discloses that "Masonry in its true and highest sense is magical work. This is as yet fortunately but little realised." What constitutes undue mental influence and what constitutes mental influence which is not undue ? If the motive of all engaging in mental influence activity is not with "pure motive" (Foster Bailey) then the mental influence is represented to be undue mental influence. It appears from Alice Bailey's descriptions in conjunction with Foster Bailey's, that one might conclude that mental influence which is so-called "pure" in conformity with the New Age Plan is considered as "due" influence. Should a candidate for Masonry be assured by Foster Bailey's words that he would not be subject to hypnotically potent influence by assuming that the motives of all involved are "pure" ? Even if "pure", Alice A. Bailey revealed the impression work can even then "bring so much mental pressure to bear that an individual or group is helpless under the impact of other minds ... "black magic" with "the effect upon their victim ... definitely serious ... with a weakened will." The capacity for subjecting a member, "the candidate," to "undue mental influence" under initiating power is declared as possible, and "undue" influence could constitute one means to render the term "Free" meaningless. The capacity and power for mental impression work by the Masonic Lodge to be of "hypnotic potency" is also declared. The immediately following sentence states that "Masonry in its true and highest sense is magical work." It is intimated that the application of hypnotic power would render the "word 'Free' Mason" as "meaningless" for the 'subject' of such power. What emerges from the expositions of Alice and Foster Bailey is that an eager candidate who is receptive to mental impression undergoes a "magical work" in the Lodge. Persons within the Lodge who resist the efforts of impression work could be subjected to forces which could weaken their will. From several perspectives "those who consciously take upon themselves the obligations of the fraternity" may be subject to particular influence having the capacity to "mold the destiny" of such persons. Is the interpretation "Free"
Mason a meaningless one ? How does the term "Free" in Freemasonry
constitute a fulfillment of Pike's statement that there are Masons who are
"misled by false interpretations" ? How is any Mason free
? He {the Mason} must not lightly regard his vows... He must realize that ... powers unseen and unrecognized mold the destiny of those who consciously and of their own free will take upon themselves the obligations of the Fraternity.p. 11 The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, Manly P. Hall., 1923, 1976 Hall declares that unseen powers
"mold the destiny" of those who use their "free will" to "take upon
themselves the obligation of the Fraternity." Those "obligations" are
embodied in the oaths or vows of the degrees. Even the typical Mason ... is adopted into Lucifer's family when that cable-tow is placed about his neck, and when it is removed at the end of the first degree oath! That oath placed him in bondage to Lucifer, whether he knows it or not.p. 203 Masonry: Beyond The Light, William Schnoebelen, 1991 The Mason freely takes upon himself the "obligations" the "oaths", although a Mason might not know what he is getting into beforehand. The character of the oaths, however, should provide ample warning that Freemasonry is something which one should conscientiously avoid participation in. Yet, as the Scripture which warns of those who 'while promising freedom, themselves are slaves to corruption,' Masonry involves a person in an environment designed for spiritistic influence and for spiritistic corruption of the human soul. Thus, "He must realize that ... powers unseen and unrecognized mold the destiny of those who consciously and of their own free will take upon themselves the obligations of the Fraternity." From the very first degree the stage is set for spiritistic forces to influence or even "mold" the life of the Mason. The Mason should have a clue from being ceremonially led blindfolded by a rope, having a "cable tow" around his neck, that the expression "Free" is a contradiction, mockery and a sham. If, indeed, the Mason is "free" to pursue the "quest" of more spiritistic "illumination," the exercise of such freedom results in deeper and deeper slavery, even as William Schnoebelen attests in his book Masonry: Beyond the Light. The exercise of, his participation in, using his own mind as a "bridge" to accomplish the "Great Work" which entails sloughing off the mind, to "merge" with Luciferian "cosmic consciousness," is the path to becoming a "fleshly glove " for a "demonic hand." [Masonry: Beyond the Light, p. 199] When the Luciferian Hierarchy imposes, imprints or impresses thoughts upon the candidate, the term "Free Mason" is, indeed, made a mockery of. When the ultimate stage is reached where the Illuminati becomes a "fleshly glove" in the hands of Luciferian spirits, the term "Free Mason" is, indeed, made meaningless. It is an oxymoron to speak of a "Free" Mason when the individual is subject to "total impression by the Hierarchy by the time the {New Age} disciple is a Master." Masonry traditionally has comprised the organizational core of the New Age movement. Is the term "Free" one of those terms by which Masons are "misled by false interpretations" ? If one is, indeed, free to use one's own mind as a "bridge" to slough off his or her own mind while providing a host for Luciferian consciousness, the end of the process is total slavery. Those who do not freely use their mind as a bridge for their own destruction could be subject to deceptions and subversive influences which lead them down that path. The candidate for even the first degree enters or binds himself to an organization with the capacity for due influence as well as "undue mental influence" and for "mental activity" "hypnotic in its potency." He swears himself to an organization in which "unseen powers" "mold the destiny of those who "take upon themselves the obligations of the Fraternity." Although he might not be freely informed of such influence, he binds himself to an organization which "obligates" persons to conceal crimes by fellow Masons "not excepting murder and treason. "In higher degrees the Mason "obligates" himself to commit acts of retribution pursuant to the bloody oaths of secrecy, and binds himself to decrees of the Supreme Council of the 33rd degree. "Free" Mason ? Does the "transformation" of the Mason lead to freedom ? The "transmutation" which Masons undergo is a spiritistic transformation. It involves gradually merging the consciousness of luciferian entities or spirits with that of the initiate, while the initiate continues to be able to operate "consciously" in society. It involves molding the initiate according to the designs of the luciferian Hierarchy on a path of co-option. Foster Bailey clearly associates "this possible work" of influence with telepathic impression by stating that "the effectiveness" of the "possible work" "will be paralleled by" "increasing sensitivity of the race" "to telepathic impression." Alice Bailey, "total impression
by the Hierarchy by the time the disciple is a Master." "Free" ? "total impression" Examining Foster Bailey's description of the "work" of the Masonic Lodge, it is evident that he is speaking of the "work" within the Lodge such as upon a "candidate," upon whom "due" mental activity is applied or exerted, as well as the "work" in which he states "a Lodge will then work as a group for humanity as a whole" ... "The effectiveness of this possible work will be paralleled by the increasing sensitivity of the race to telepathic impression." It is a "telepathic
impression" "work." The "work" within the Lodge practiced upon Lodge members by initiate Master Masons "is magical work," a "work" which Foster Bailey describes "as yet fortunately but little realised." That magical work provides more human "material" for the Hierarchy to use in subverting yet other humans. The "work" by the Lodge "as a group for humanity as a whole" in which "the effectiveness of this possible work" is associated with "telepathic impression", identifies the Lodge members who are part of such a collaborative concerted effort as members of a conspiracy. It is a conspiracy involving the externalization of the Hierarchy, the Luciferian Hierarchy. It is a work of spiritistically subverting human souls, it involves a New Age "Plan" to "take outer and recognisable physical control of world affairs." Thus, when the Royal Arch Mason swears to conceal the crimes of a fellow Mason, murder and treason not excepted, it is evidently not without purpose that such a criminal oath is rendered. It is clear, subsequent to the disclosures of 33rd degree Masons of "the inner circle," that Masonry is involved in a collusive, subversive, conspiratorial work. It is clear that the conspiratorial work is embodied in the nature of the rituals themselves, fundamental to Masonry, and is not an aberration of rebellious Lodges. The "inner machinery" of the New Age movement including Mazzini's Illuminati Machine as it pertains to Luciferian influence exerted upon initiate Masons as well as upon "inattentive minds" is revealed by members of the occult conspiracy's "inner circle" themselves. The scheme of that "inner machinery" to impact individuals in society, whether politically, religiously, socially or professionally is also exposed by the very persons who are advocates of the "great work" and of the "Plan." Masonry is not simply a repository for pagan symbols. It is a machine rooted in rituals which invoke evil powers which are intent on imposing their will upon mankind, clandestinely and ultimately, overtly. Does the influence of the
established rhythm lack "hypnotic" "potency" ? "Behind the magical work of the rituals must be the influence of the established rhythm ..." "nature of the rhythm to be established through the rituals"Fundamentally the work of the Masonic Lodge is "magical work," and "behind the magical work of the rituals" is the "influence of the established rhythm." Where is the "nature of the rhythm" "established" ? "Through the rituals." If it seems a bit circular in
description, keep in mind that the rituals invoke the "aid of "various
entities." It is those entities which facilitate the magical work of
impression. Keep in mind that as Manly P, Hall disclosed, the second
degree of Fellow Craft is a degree of "transmutation." The application of
the "seething energies of Lucifer" are the "key" to the "warrior on the
block." When the Mason learns that the key to the warrior on the block is the proper application of the dynamo of living power, he has learned the mystery of his Craft. The seething energies of Lucifer are in his hands and before he may step onward and upward, he must prove his ability to properly apply energy.... Incessant vigilance over thought action, and desire is indispensable to those who wish to make progress in the unfolding of their own being, and the Fellow Craft's degree is the degree of transmutation.p. 48 The keywords of the Fellow Craft may be briefly defined as compassion, poise, and transmutation. In the Fellow Craft degree is concealed the dynamo of human life. The Fellow Craft is the worker with elemental fire, which it is his duty to transmute into spiritual light.p. 49 The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, Manly P. Hall., 1923, 1976 The "magical work" of Masonry is accomplished by the "seething energies of Lucifer." William Schnoebelen spoke of "seeking more light," more "light" or "illumination" from Lucifer. The "psychic eye" or "point of contact between humans and Lucifer-consciousness" is pursued by the initiate Mason. He engages in a "quest" for greater "illumination." The Mason is taught that it is a quest for godhood. The quest is that by the discarnate Luciferian Hierarchy for veritable incarnation in the flesh of the initiate. So, what is meant by the
expression "unfolding one's own being" ? Indeed, the Mason provides for "non-human entities" "the material which they employ" both on an individual or personal basis and in conjunction with associate Masons upon whom the work of impressing takes place. Adam Weishaupt in scheming to
conceal the inimical Illuminati in the first three degrees of Masonry
because "the public ... expects little from it, and therefore takes little
notice of it" conforms with Manly P. Hall's disclosures as to what the
first three degrees mean for the true Mason as well as Foster Bailey's
disclosures on the substance of Masonry as an Illuminati
machine. {Illuminati} "The great strength of our Order lies in its concealment; ... None is fitter than the three lower degrees of Free Masonry; the public is accustomed to it, expects little from it, and therefore takes little notice of it.p. 112 Proofs of a Conspiracy, John Robison, A.M., 1798 Although sectors of the public
might be aware of the professional "sphere of influence" of the local
lodges, alluded to by Manly P. Hall, the extent of the "sphere of
influence" is something the general public has been unsuspecting of. The
"inner machinery" of Masonry and Co-Masonry reveals a "program" subversive
and sinister to the core which embraces the convoluted philosophical karma
clause for the justification of evil and tyranny. Masonry has concealed
within itself, not only an unconstitutional government, but "the Invisible
Empire" of an army of psychic warriors marching to the orders of Lucifer,
employing the "seething energies of Lucifer, employing the "force"
acknowledged at the highest levels as satan. Thus, the adepts were recruiting the Sons of Light, who were to form the Army of the Elect. These were instructed to remain in readiness until "the day be with us." The inner machinery of this program was too subtle to be captured in the pages of prosaic history. Only the consequences appeared as "effects deprived of their cause." As the philosophic program unfolded, the adepts revealed themselves as Princes of the Invisible Empire.p. 7 Orders of the Great Work: Alchemy, by Manly P. Hall, 1949, 1976
The New Age "warriors" of the "Army of the Elect" in the civilian and government sectors of society which stand "in readiness" and which have been proliferating was ominously foreshadowed by the "inner machinery" of Freemasonry by subversions of justice uncovered by State legislature investigations in New York, Massachusetts and Pennsylvania. The "Princes of the Invisible
Empire" had formed a virtual Masonic Army operating behind the scenes and
contravening the laws and principles of the United States Constitution. In
1834 a Joint Committee of the Legislature of Massachusetts House of
Representatives had found : The Committee found Freemasonry was "a distinct Independent Government within our own Government, and beyond the control of the laws of the land by means of its secrecy ... ." {footnote 71} The Joint Committee found Freemasonry to be a "moral evil," a "pecuniary evil," and a "political evil." {footnote 72}p. 35 Behind the Lodge Door, Paul A. Fisher, 1988 ,1989, 1994 footnote 71: Investigation Into
Freemasonry by a Joint Committee of the Legislature of Massachusetts House
of Representatives, March, 1834, pp. 14-21. footnote 72: p.
11 The inner and the outer "machine"
are mutually supportive, even through not all members of the outer machine
are necessarily aware of the inner machinery methods. The "high machinery"
of Masonry "acts in concert" and the machinery on the whole operates in
concert. The breadth of Masonry's influence in business, government, the
judiciary and law enforcement has been attested to by an investigating New
York Senate Committee. The Masonic "concert" has even had persons of the
judicial "bench" playing its tunes. "It comprises men of rank, wealth, office and talents in power -- and that almost in every place where power is of any importance -- it comprises, among the other classes of the community, to the lowest, in large numbers, and capable of being directed by the efforts of others so as to have the force of concert through the civilized world! "They are distributed too, with the means of knowing each other, and the means of keeping secret, and the means of co-operating, in the desk, in the legislative hall, on the bench, in every gathering of men of business, in every party of pleasure, in every enterprise of government, in every domestic circle, in peace and in war, among its enemies and friends, in one place as well as another. So powerful, indeed, is it at this time, that it fears nothing from violence, either public or private, for it has every means to learn it in season, to counteract, defeat and punish it . . . . " {footnote 64}p. 34 Behind the Lodge Door, Paul A. Fisher, 1988 ,1989, 1994 footnote 64: Report Of A
Committee To The New York Senate, Together With Extracts From Other
Authentic Documents Illustrating The Character And Principles Of Free
Masonry, published by request, and under the direction of several citizens
of New Haven, Connecticut, printed by Hezekiah Howe, 1829, pp.
13-14 At the time, in 1829, the New Age
telepathic capabilities for acting in concert for purposes of judicial
subversion were no doubt not as pronounced as they have been since the
subsequent spiritualist movement which began in 1848, and since the
resurgence and proliferation of spiritualism and the New Age movement in
the 1960's, 1970's, 1980's, and 1990's, with each decade experiencing
particular contributions to the occult conspiracy. Nevertheless, the means
of subversion in the 1800's was widely entrenched. The report noted that there were approximately 30,000 Freemasons in the State of New York -- about one-forth of the eligible voting population -- "yet they have held for forty years, three-fourths" of all public offices in the State. {footnote 65}Behind the Lodge Door, Paul A. Fisher, 1988 ,1989, 1994 footnote 64: Report Of A
Committee To The New York Senate, Together With Extracts From Other
Authentic Documents Illustrating The Character And Principles Of Free
Masonry, published by request, and under the direction of several citizens
of New Haven, Connecticut, printed by Hezekiah Howe, 1829, pp. 13-14.
footnote 65: p. 15 The influence of Freemasonry upon
judicial decisions, in an atmosphere and context of having formed "a
distinct Independent Government within our own Government, and beyond the
control of the laws of the land by means of its secrecy" was further
discovered by "the Committee of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives"
in 1836. In all, nineteen witnesses refused to provide sworn testimony to the committee. Other witnesses informed the legislators that Masons influence judicial decisions and consider Masonic oaths superior to all other oaths. {footnote 74}p. 36 Behind the Lodge Door, Paul A. Fisher, 1988 ,1989, 1994 {footnotes: Testimony Taken by the Committee
of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives To Investigate the Evils of
Freemasonry, Read in the House of Representatives June 13, 1836, Theodore
Finn, Harrisburg, 1836, p. 15. footnote 74: pp. 39-42,
46. The "Masonic oaths" include concealment of "murder and treason" as well as commitment to acts of "retribution" pursuant to oaths which subvert and pervert justice. The subversion of America's
judicial process at the jury level, even by "grand juries" surfaced during
the New York investigations. The New York legislators said Masonic witnesses on the stand "have sworn to facts, which in the opinion of bystanders, were not credited by a single one of the hundreds of persons who were present." Moreover, grand juries, "a majority of whom were masons," omitted to find bills of indictment "when there was proof before them of outrages not surpassed in grossness and indecency by any committed in the country since the first settlement." {footnote 67}p. 34 Behind the Lodge Door, Paul A. Fisher, 1988 ,1989, 1994 Report Of A Committee To The New
York Senate, Together With Extracts From Other Authentic Documents
Illustrating The Character And Principles Of Free Masonry, published by
request, and under the direction of several citizens of New Haven,
Connecticut, printed by Hezekiah Howe, 1829, footnote 67: pp.
7-8 Since those judicially subversive and perilous times the capacity of Freemasonry and other occult societies, organizations and groups to obstruct and even subvert justice has been evident not only in the proliferation of New Age, spiritualistic, witchcraft, and occult groups, but in the proliferation of the means of telepathically acting in concert and in proliferation of means of psychic influence. The potential ramifications exceed the ominous examples of judicial subversion by juries, staffed by Masons, made evident during the state investigations in America during the 1800s. The scenarios for potential subversion of justice by juries in the 1990s is first of all present by juries themselves, drawn from a public jury pool in which alarming and growing numbers of persons are involved in the New Age movement, encompassing Masonry, Co-Masonry, spiritualism, witchcraft, and even outright satanism. The scenarios for potential subversion of justice by juries is secondly present in the jury selection process, whereby telepathic ("mind-reader") participants in the jury selection process are in a position to potentially cull out persons in such a way so as to favor particular objectives. Such scenarios do not necessarily favor the defendant if the defendant has a "mind-reader" or telepathic practitioner working on his or her team, since there may be other agendas in play which do not concur with the defendants objectives. The potential could be considerable for favoring a hidden or predominant New Age agenda. There are scenarios related to the jury selection process wherein psychic "masking" of the intent, "mind-shield," by the jurors themselves, or by the agency of intervening outside forces, can obscure the efforts of even of a telepathic official participant in the jury selection process. Confusion or deception of a telepathic jury screener could also be facilitated by a device of "reprojecting" thoughts into the telepath's mind which do not actually originate in the subject's (potential juror's) mind. Such scenarios are supported by information provided regarding psychic techniques already exposed in this book.
Of the characteristics belonging to potential jurors which might be sought to subvert the judicial process are those pertaining not only to a secret agenda which a person might be harboring, but could also pertain to vulnerability to psychic influence. Psychic influence does not necessarily involve, or is not limited to, impressing thoughts or feelings upon jurors in a trial, but may be as simple as clouding, stopping, diverting or otherwise obstructing a juror's thought processes or attentiveness at crucial or significant points in the judicial procedure. Colonel John B. Alexander, Major Richard Groller, and Janet Morris, authors of The Warrior's Edge, take psychic warfare very seriously. The scenarios for the subversion of justice in America should also be taken seriously, particularly in view of the demonstrated Masonic subversion of grand juries. The innocent could be found guilty by psychically compromised juries, while the guilty could be set free. Luciferian spirits who preside over spiritualistic powers and who do "the actual work" can particularly impress acutely vulnerable persons (psychics) and deceive them with a variety of psychic devices. The intent and actions
demonstrated in the occult conspiracy to subvert justice was clearly
evident in the investigations of Freemasonry during the early to middle
1800's in the U.S. Since, the capacity in the occult conspiracy to subvert
justice has increased dimensionally. The words of Manly P. Hall, 33rd
degree Freemason, pertaining the "inner machinery" of the "Invisible
Empire" of occult adepts and the expansion by recruitment of conspiracy
participants who have been instructed to "remain in readiness" comprises
the greatest challenge to the U.S. Constitution since the investigations
by three U.S. state legislatures. The greatest menace to the U.S.
Constitution is from within, from the behind the scenes "Invisible Empire"
of presiding occult adepts supported in their ambitions by a New Age "Army
of the Elect." Thus, the adepts were recruiting the Sons of Light, who were to form the Army of the Elect. These were instructed to remain in readiness until "the day be with us." The inner machinery of this program was too subtle to be captured in the pages of prosaic history. Only the consequences appeared as "effects deprived of their cause." As the philosophic program unfolded, the adepts revealed themselves as Princes of the Invisible Empire.p. 7 Orders of the Great Work: Alchemy, by Manly P. Hall, 1949, 1976 The "whole fabric of Masonry" has
to do with the "externalisation of the Hierarchy" of Luciferian entities.
The "whole story of telepathy" has to do with the expansion of the
influence of an occult "oligarchy" intent on taking over physical control
of America, and of the world.
The "whole fabric of Masonry"
pertains to the externalization of the Hierarchy. Little as it may be realised by the unthinking Mason who is interested only in the outer aspects of the Craft work, the whole fabric of Masonry may be regarded as an externalisation of that inner spiritual group whose members, down the ages, have been the Custodians of the Plan, ...p. 20 The Spirit of Masonry, Foster Bailey, 1957 The "whole story of telepathy"
pertains to "the steady growth" of a "Hierarchy," an oligarchy which is
intent on ruling the world. When this awareness is cultivated and the individual mind is brought consciously into contact with the mind of God as it expresses itself through the illumined mind of the Hierarchy of adepts, we shall have the steady growth of omniscience. This is the whole story of telepathic interplay in the true sense; it portrays the growth of that oligarchy of elect souls who will eventually rule the world, who will be chosen so to rule, and who will be recognised by the mass as eligible for that high office ...p. 7 Telepathy: Alice A. Bailey, 1950, 1986 Telepathic interplay, particularly that of impression, represents the principle means by which a spirit Hierarchy associated with Lucifer has facilitated not only direction of it's subjects to expand their own influence, but represents also an agency by which acute access has been obtained to impress the minds of men, women, and children. An oligarchical elite, an elect
esoteric group maneuvering world affairs from behind-the-scenes has been
operating with the benefit of an exoteric body of Freemasonry. The inner
and outer machinery has been acting "in concert." True Freemasonry is esoteric ...p. 16 The true student seeks to lift himself from the exoteric body upward spiritually until he joins the esoteric group which ... is far greater than all the lodges on the physical plane of Nature, is far greater than all the lodges of which it is a central fire.p. 17 In Freemasonry is concealed ... the path the student must tread in order to join those who are really the living powers behind the thrones of modern national and international affairs. The true student realizes most of all that the taking of degrees does not make a man a Mason. A Mason is not appointed; he is evolved and he must realize that the position he holds in the exoteric lodge means nothing compared to his position in the spiritual lodge of life.p. 18 ... His karmic responsibilities increase with his opportunities.p. 19 The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, Manly P. Hall., 1923, 1976 Freemasonry has employed
oligarchical and behind-the-scenes means, building a "track record." The
findings by commissions in Italy have proved accurate, including
commission investigations performed during Mussolini's term, and those
since. "Freemasonry has penetrated into the most delicate organs of the national life, using as its lever the chief banking institutions. . . Its chief weapon is secrecy, which debases men's conscience, making them prone to intrigue and obliging them to submit to discipline against which they cannot rebel without breaking their vows: {this} forces them to maintain an internal solidarity which annuls or overcomes every other duty of loyalty or justice, and . . . insures immunity to any one who profits by it. "When one thinks of the characteristics of Freemasonry which have been set down above, and especially its ties with similar organizations abroad, one realizes that the existence of Freemasonry is a phenomenon of such gravity that it seems unbelievable that the State has permitted it hitherto."p. 23 Behind the Lodge Door, Paul A. Fisher, 1988, 1989, 1994 quoted from: Hamilton, New Age,
August, 1949, pp. 486-487 President Abraham Lincoln,
shortly before his assassination, warned of the "money power of the
country" being employed to maneuver events "until the wealth is aggregated
in a few hands, and the Republic {be} destroyed." He spoke of
"corporations ...{being} enthroned, an era of corruption in high places
will follow .." Lincoln saw the crisis approaching in his day, in which
Masonry had entrenched itself as a criminal empire in America. In 1991 the
plan for a world-wide oligarchical rule continued behind the scenes, and
1996 has witnessed the continuing momentum in America of the ever
increasing concentration of wealth in the hands of the
few. Lincoln perceived the corrupting influence of the international bankers and commented: I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country; corporations have been enthroned, an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until the wealth is aggregated in a few hands, and the Republic destroyed. {footnote}p. 148 New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies, William T. Still, 1990 {footnote: Dallas Plemmons, The
Illuminati, (self-published tract, 1979), p. 4} The findings and conclusions by
three American state legislatures have been in substance corroborative in
many respects, including that Masonry represents a "pecuniary
evil." "In Freemasonry is concealed ... those who are really the living powers behind the thrones of modern national and international affairs." While traditionally and generally working clandestinely behind-the-scenes, the objective of the "great work" is to achieve the "Plan" of establishing an overt occult rulership to "take outer and recognisable physical control of world affairs." [The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, Manly P. Hall, p. 18]It is only in the later stages, and when the time has come or the return into recognised physical expression of the {New Age} Christ, leading to the definite restoration of the Mysteries, that certain of the senior Members of the Hierarchy will appear and take outer and recognisable physical control of world affairs. p. 570 The Externalisation of the
Hierarchy, Alice A .Bailey, 1957, 1985 Oligarchical rule by an
"illuminated" elite, by "the philosophical elect" in which a "chief weapon
is secrecy" has been grinding away in Freemasonry's machinery, inner and
outer, "as the great work awaits completion." The rule of the philosophical elect---the dream of the ages---will yet be realized and is not far distant. To her loyal sons, Freemasonry sends this clarion call: Arise ye, the day of labor is at hand; the great work awaits completion, and the days of man's life are few."p. 454 Lectures on Ancient Philosophy: An Introduction To Practical Ideals, Manly P. Hall,
1984 It is with the testimony herein
delivered that the shocking words of David Rockefeller of a far-reaching
conspiracy of a "plan for the world" in which rulership is to be
administered by an intellectual, philosophical elite encompassing an
oligarchical establishment, needs to be taken seriously. "We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years." "It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries."as quoted on p. 13 or [of] Operation Vampire Killer 2000, Published by: Police Against The New World
Order, 1992 The Masonic link having been estalished by testimony already given, the plan for the world conducted behind the scenes reveals an occult philosophically intellectual elite guided by fundamental principles dangerous to the principles of the U.S. Constitution. Pursuant to the testimony rendered it is evident that Manly P. Hall, 33º, has operated as an agent of an occult Evil Empire, whereas Alice Bailey has served as a complicitous agent of the sinister Karma Clause of victimization in which satanic forces are wielded to exercise influences to transform society according to New Age / Masonic standards. Will the American Republic be alienated from it's Constitution ?
If you have heard of the Illuminati Order and you thought it was some kind of mythological conspiracy theory, here are the archives from George Washington himself, which prove not only their existence, but that they were intensively active in the United States of America. George Washington was also certain that some of the illuminati had infiltrated some of the American Lodges of Freemasonry.TO G. W. SNYDER.It is an undeniable fact that conspiracies exist. It is also an under appreciated fact that most people have been conditioned to pay little or no attention to conspiracies. Misinformation is often circulated in the media and elsewhere for the purpose of leading people away from the truth. This was in the past and still is today one of the main functions of the Catholic Jesuit organization. It is no coincident that high level Jesuits are also high ranking Freemasons. The following information reveals some of the methods employed to deceive. Morals and Dogma is an official Masonic book written by occultist Albert Pike. Pages 104 and 105 of this Satanic occult book states:
Mount Vernon, 24 October, 1798.
I have your favor of the 17th instant before me, and my only motive for troubling you with the receipt of this letter is, to explain and correct a mistake, which I perceive the hurry in which I am obliged often to write letters has led you into.
It was not my intention to doubt, that the doctrines of the Illuminati and the principles of Jacobinism had not spread in the United States, On the contrary, no one is more fully satisfied of this fact than I am.
The idea that I meant to convey was, that I did not believe that the lodges of freemasons in this country had, as societies, endeavoured to propagate the diabolical tenets of the former, or pernicious principles of the latter, if they are susceptible of separation. That individuals of them may have done it, or that the founder, or instrument employed to found the Democratic Societies in the United States, may have had these objects, and actually had a separation of the people from their government in view, is too evident to be questioned. (The Writings Of George Washington, Vol. XI., 1855, p. 337)Masonry, like all the religions, all Mysteries, Hermetiscism, and Alchemy, conceals its secrets from all except the Adepts and Sages, or the Elect, and uses false explanations and misinterpretations of its symbols to mislead those who deserve to be mislead;Only the illuminated ones at the highest levels of Freemasonry and other secretive societies are privy to the Luciferian agenda of the New World Order. (See Theosophy: The Worship of Lucifer and also George Washington's Prayers)
So Masonry jealously conceals its secrets, and intentionally leads conceited interpreters astray. (Morals and Dogma, pp. 104, 105)
They all teach that you cannot trust nor believe the Holy Bible; and that you must put your faith in their theologies, traditions, customs and rituals in order to please God and have everlasting life.